
Sunday, July 14, 2013

Chevron Blanket

Click Here for pattern
its a Caron yarn Free Pattern. for simply soft yarn
i just did my own thing when it came to the color i didn't have a pattern, when i got board of one color i would switch but i kept the rows of color even like 2/4/6/8 etc...  but i did do 3 on some but the other side of the blanket looks like there is only 2. because your working back stitch.
and it says to do 7 mountains but i did 9.  i think 9 makes a perfect baby blanket. so i started off with 229 ch. and i did 3 rows of grey all the way around the blanket.

My Sister Baby Shower Gift!

Rubber Ducky Jar

Wash Clothes
Hood Towel
Bath Mit
Bath Bubble Book
Rubber Ducky
Baby Wash
Bubble Bath
Baby Lotion

Hospital Survuval Kit

List I made to go with each Item....

Notebook - "To write down all the things your mommy brain needs to remember"

Headband & Hair Ties - "When you're focusing on riding out those contractions and everything gets on your nerves, including stray ways in your face. Plus after being in the hospital bed for 10 hours, your hair tends to look like a troll doll's when a hoard of family and friends show upto visit you and your little bundle, you're gonna want to tie the mess up"

Brush & Hair Spray - "To Help you comb down the Lion Mane"

Breath Mints / Tooth Brush - "To help you with stinky breath you may have after being in labor for long hours"

Lotion - "So you can have soft hands to hold your babysoft newborn"

Thank You Notes and Candy - "Just incase you want to give thanks to your nurses and bowl of candy to share with your helping nurses"

Chap Stick - "How Torturous is it you're not allowed to drink anything when you're in labor? Forget the stinkin' ice chips, somebody breathe on my ice chips and melt them into water!!! so fo course you're denied water, your lips tend to become dry and chapped. Take it from me, chap stick is a life saver"

Flusiable Wipes - "Lets just say you'll need THEM, toilet paper is not your friend"

 Nursing Pads - "To help you when you feel like a Milking Cow"

Face Cleansing Wipes - "So you dont have to climb out of bed to remove makeup and dirt. Plus, sometimes a simple washing you face makes you feel like a human again after having a baby"

Cozy Socks - "To help you keep your mommy's feet happy, because hospital socks are kida itchy"
Hand Sanitizer - "I figured it was more polite saying Sanitize Before Snuggles then "You better wash your germy hand before touching my baby!, Which we all know thats what your going to be thinking"

Tissues - "To help catch all the tears of joy"

Water Pruff Mat - "For the car ride to the Hospital"

Lanolin - "Sweet relief for baby-mangled boobies"

One Handed Water Cup - "Nursing makes you so thirsty, and you need a bottle you can drink out of with one hand, cause your other hand will be busy!"

Overnight Pads - "You'll need a ton of these right away, And they're probably not something josh wants to go pink up, So just call when you need more"

Healthy Snack- "Many times, babies dont plan their arrival at a convenient hour. like mine i had family members (wink wink) eatting in front of me when i was starving . so heres something you can eat right away after the little angel arrives"

Chocholate Bar - "Just Because chocolate makes anyone feel better"

Sparkling Cider - "To celebrate the birth day!"

Mirror - "To help you look put together, even thou you'll look beautiful no matter what"

Dry Shampoo - "Allows for easy touch-ups to dingy locks that have been through the mill, at least until you can indulge in a nice, well-deserved shower!

Photo-Op - "There are tons of great photo ideas floating around out there, and when your in labor you forget all the important photos you wanted to take so heres a list of must have pictures"

Tennis Ball - "To help with back labor"

Comfy Clothes - "Something you can throw over when visitors come by and you'll still look pretty together, plus it flows so it helps you ingnore the leftover belly" (Which, of course, will everntually disappear all on its own)

Baby Chart - "For documenting one Eat-Sleep-Poop schedule"

White Noise Sounds CD - "To help you and your baby sleep at night so you dont have to listin to all the hospital noise"

Hospital Gown - "So you dont have to wear the ones at the hospital"

Hospital Check Lists - "To help you not forget anything"

Tote - "To help you take all the gifts you will get at the hospital"

Pillowcase - "So You have a Cheerful and one of a kind pillowcase, and so the hospital doesnt mix your pillow up with theres"




Pen and Paper - "To write down your thoughts/memories to share when your kid gets older"

Earplugs - "For times when you can't hear yourself think"

Binky - "When you need some peace and quit"

Baby Wipes -  "For cleaning up those little messes"

Hand Sanitizer - "For keeping the yucky grems away"

Baby Sockies - "To keep your little one warm and cozy"

Lotion - "To remind you that babies need a lot of soft touches"

Sour Patch Kids - "For you to remember your kid cab be both"

Superman - "To remind you that no matter what , you'll always be thier HERO"

Robe - "In case you are at the end of yours"

Marbles - "To relace the ones you'll lose"

Eraser - "To remind you that all new Dads make mistakes"

Batteries - "For those times when you are running low on energy"

Balloon - "To remind you to teach your kid to reach for the sky"

Lifesavers - "To reming YOU to be a life saver to your wife and help her out"

Mommy Coupons - "For when you find yourself in the dog house"

Clothes Pin - "To guard your sense of smell the unexpectited"

Face Mask - "To protect your mouth form any surpises"

Gloves - "To protect your hands while changing the mystery diapers"

Goggles - "To protect your eyes from any U.F.O's while diaper changing"

Tongs - "To help get the mystery diaper to the disposal without getting it on you"

Baby Powder - "To help the little one's derriere smell more appealing"

Laffy Taffy - "Because you're going to need to remember to keep your sence of humor"

Iburprofen - "When all else fails, take two of these"

I Make Adorable Babies and Adorable Baby T-Shirt and Onesie

Golf Outfit & Golf Plush Toy

Other Things I Got Her
I Crochet This Bunny and it has a Rattler in it...

Crochet Blanket with Boarder
Quilted Family Book
More pictures coming soon
 Outfit out of old tshirt and jacket
Apon Towel
Picture coming soon
 Diaper Cake